As per the constitution of the association there are three pillars: Annual general assembly, Board of Directors (BOD) and Inspector. All members will participate in annual general assembly of the association. The most important decisions will be made in this meeting which includes determining general policy of the association, selecting the members of the board and the Inspector, reviewing and approving plans proposed by BOD, etc. BOD members will be selected for two years and Inspector for one year. Furthermore there is a consulting council constitutes of ex-secretaries, ex-inspectors and ex-members of the past steering committees of the association. The association pursues its objectives and goals by establishing workgroups aligned with the objectives of the association. Present active workgroups of the associations are History, Art, Book Reading and Environment. Steering Committee of the association includes all BOD members and secretaries of the workgroups who are not a member of BOD. Steering Committee selects one of its members as the association’s secretary or General Manager of the association for two years. The association’s secretary is the highest-ranking official and is the association’s representative based on the delegated authorities.