The history group was one of the first groups formed in the association, which was founded by Kavosh Saei, and for several years, Bahram Roshanzamir was its secretary. It was re-established in the form of a workgroup with the efforts of Alireza Afshari and the temporary secretary and then the secretary of Shahroz Toosi from March 2016, and Alireza Afshari took over as the secretary from March 2018. Since its foundation, the history workgroup has started its work with the aim of research, promotion and education in the field of the history of Iran and the countries of the civilization of Iran, as well as the intangible cultural heritage related to Iranshahr. Also, in order to achieve this goal, the history workgroup follows these plans: holding monthly book reading meetings around the Iranian studies, holding physical and virtual educational workshops on the history of Iran, holding a open discussion meeting about Iranian studies, meeting and talking with professors who have opinions and research and awareness raising about ancient Iranian festivals.